About Serena Supplee
The beauty, truth and freedom of canyons and rivers pulse through Serena Supplee. 40 years of living and loving the Colorado Plateau serve as the current of inspiration for her joyous artwork. She paints with watercolors and oils, working from her drawings rather than photos, trusting her creative process. Serena’s book Grand Canyon Calling features the drawing next to the painting.
Serena graduated with a BFA from Northern Arizona University before moving to Moab, Utah. For a decade she worked as a guide on the Colorado, Green, and San Juan Rivers. She now continues to row her boat & follow her heart down rivers that inspire her drawing and painting. Her passionate palette captures the expansion of rims, the movement of rivers, the dance of clouds, the splendor of starlight, and the lighting on canyon walls, which have long captivated the minds and souls of many a romantic Westerner.
Serena’s artwork is most recognizable from the hundreds of images she has published since 1983 as notecards, prints, and wall calendars. A large body of her work may be viewed on her website. To add an original watercolor, oil or sculpture to your art collection, contact Serena. Her sandstone-inspired sculptures are on display in her yard, the City of Moab and private collections.
Colour in Your Life
Graeme Stevenson, host of the Australian television series "Colour in Your Life", came through Moab in the summer of 2018 and featured Serena in her own 24-minute episode. The series is working to build a library of the minds of artists, preserving a digital record of creative spirit, culture and techniques for future generations. Shot in Serena’s oil painting studio and yard, we think you’ll enjoy this relaxed, engaging conversation between Serena and Graeme – a unique opportunity to experience Serena’s energy and humor, and learn about the inspirations and insights that make her work sing. The video also follows Serena’s progress, from beginning to near completion, on her newest oil painting at the time, “Canyon Allure.”
Click here to to watch Serena’s Colour in Your Life episode (24 minutes)
A collection of her geometric landscape paintings woven into rugs and baskets by Navajo weavers are on display at Twin Rocks Trading Post in Bluff, Utah.
To see a 6-minute video of Serena sketching and painting on the Colorado Plateau while speaking about her work.
This video was filmed while Serena was serving as the 2014 Community Artist in the Parks for The Southeast Utah Group of the National Park Service, which includes Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Hovenweep and Natural Bridges National Monuments.